HPZ0NE's avatar


Not so active user
23 Watchers22 Deviations
  1. How long have you been on DeviantArt? -> 4 years.

  2. What does your username mean? -> A variation of an old username I used to have on forums.

  3. Describe yourself in three words. -> Procrastinator, procrastinator and.. procrastinator.

  4. Are you left or right handed? -> Left-handed.

  5. What was your first deviation? -> Kodama Shizukesa - Lineart

  6. What is your favourite type of art to create? -> Drawing girls. It's always the most fun I have when I draw.

  7. If you could instantly master a different art style, what would it be? -> I'd like to master photography.

  8. What was your first favourite? -> Hate the game,not the player

  9. What type of art do you tend to favourite the most? -> Maybe a "manga"-kind of type of art ? I don't really know.

  10. Who is your all-time favourite deviant artist? -> nawamane.deviantart.com/

  11. If you could meet anyone on DeviantArt in person, who would it be? -> Meh, I don't know.

  12. How has a fellow deviant impacted your life? -> A lot of impact.

  13. What are your preferred tools to create art? -> My good ol'Wacom Bamboo Fun with its two buddies SAI and Photoshop CS2.

  14. What is the most inspirational place for you to create art? My appartment at night.

  15. What is your favourite DeviantArt memory? Not really one in particular.

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So yeah.. What's my story about dA ? Well, simply put together, this website actually made me renew my interest in drawing things. At the time, I had lost this since.. the time where the second generation of Pokémon came out (from which I drew them all in a Pokédex-like fashion).

So I began to doodle some random anthro stuff :  Kodama Shizukesa - Lineart by HPZ0NE

And then, some mecha-related stuff :  ELS Quanta - Lineart by HPZ0NE

After that, I became really interested in the nature as a whole, taking pictures of it : 
INDIGNATION by HPZ0NE  Perfect Apple Blossom by HPZ0NE  The Lonely One by HPZ0NE  Hi Buddy by HPZ0NE

While doing that, and browsing through some talented artists galleries, I finally found my style.. drawing humans, and mainly (exclusively ?) girls. I really like drawing girls. Either sexy or badass ones, I just plain like drawing girls. 

Hanayo Portrait Ver.2.5 by HPZ0NE

Like this one, yay ! o/

So yeah, in a nutshell, it's my story with dA !
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Back in 2013 !

2 min read
Un petit post juste pour parler de mes dernières activités en matière de dessins.

Récemment, je m'y suis remis un peu plus sérieusement. Je m'exerce surtout dans l'humain plus que dans l'anthro..
Pour le moment, je me fixe comme objectif de dessiner mes deux héroïnes principales en version humaine. Cet objectif est déjà rempli à 50%. Pour Hanayo, c'est un petit portrait simple mais pour Shizukesa, je pense à un dessin plus grand et complexe qui montrerait ses deux "soi".. J'ai des idées, mais ça prendra du temps à faire dans tous les cas.

A la prochaine, donc !


Just a little journal entry to talk about my latest drawing activities.

I recently came back to drawing. I try to draw more humans than anthros..
For now, I got a goal : to draw my two main heroines in human version. This is done at 50%. For Hanayo, it's just a little portrait but for Shizukesa, I'm thinking about a bigger piece that would show both of her "selves".. I've got ideas but that will take time for them to be done.

So, until next time, see ya all !
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I Had a Dream..

2 min read
.. où je dessinais comme un pro.
Ouais, c'est bizarre de dire ça comme ça, je sais. Mais, la nuit dernière, j'ai fait un rêve où je ressentais chacun de mes coups de crayon. Tout allait comme je le voulais. Chacun de mes traits étaient parfaits. J'avais un compas dans l'oeil..
Généralement, je réfléchis beaucoup sur la signification des rêves/cauchemars que je fais, et celui-ci n'a pas dérogé à la règle. Puisqu'on arrive à bien dessiner dans un rêve, peut-on bien dessiner dans la réalité ? Je veux dire.. C'est inscrit dans le cerveau (ouais, je cherche le compliqué, là..), tout ça. Alors, on doit théoriquement pouvoir le reproduire, non ?

Bref, c'était quelque chose que je voulais partager avec vous..
En attendant la prochaine, see ya ! =D


.. in which I drew like a professional.
Yeah, said like this, it's weird. I know. But the last night, I had a dream where I felt each of the lines I drew. Everything was right. Every lines were perfect. I had perfect accuracy.
I tend to think a lot about the dreams/nightmares I make and this one is no exception. If one draws well in a dream, can one draw well in the reality ? I mean.. That's kinda "written" in our brain (yeah, I know, I'm probably overthinking here..). So, in theory, we can do it again, can't we ?

Well, doesn't matter.. It was something I wanted to share with you.
Until next time, see ya ! =D
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Some news..

4 min read
Yo, tout le monde !

Bon, ça fait beaucoup trop longtemps que j'ai rien posté ici, mais honnêtement, je me sens assez vide depuis quelques mois. C'est pas vraiment un artblock, car je commence des dessins, mais je trouve jamais la volonté pour les finir. 'fin bref, ça reviendra sans doute (j'espère en tout cas.. @_@).

En attendant, je voulais vous faire partager ma première tentative de colo et vous demander votre avis et vos conseils (et pardon d'avance pour la grosse watermark bien dégueulasse, comme c'est pas encore posté à proprement parler, je veux pas me faire voler le truc.. mieux vaut prévenir que guérir !) :


(la pose a été prise d'un artwork de Gravity Daze, pour ceux que ça intéresse)

Perso, avec le recul, je pense que j'ai complètement foiré. Je veux dire, j'ai pas débordé en coloriant (comme un grand, ouaip ! =D ), mais le combo marron/violet/rose est pas bon, à mon avis. Une autre version est d'ailleurs en préparation.

'fin, bref, si vous passez par-là, ça serait sympa de laisser votre avis. Merci d'avance ! :D

En attendant la prochaine fois, portez-vous bien, tout le monde ! :)


Un peu de pub pour :iconmaxa-art: ! Sa BD "Tild - Mage à Louer" n'est plus éditée (l'éditeur en question a fait faillite.. =/ ), mais est désormais disponible sur le web sur un blog BD dédié !

Cliquez ici : tild-bd.blogspot.fr/ .

Chaque lundi, deux pages du tome 1 sortent. Puis, une fois le tome 1 fini, c'est logiquement le tome 2 (inédit !) qui viendra !
Pour plus de renseignements sur Max' et ses travaux, allez donc faire un tour sur sa page dA en cliquant sur l'icône situé un peu plus haut ! ^^


Hello everyone !

Well, it has been way too much time since I last posted something here, but in all honesty, I really feel pretty empty since several months. That's not really an artblock, 'cause I can draw something, but I just can't finish them "thanks" to a lack of will. Well, nevermind, that should come back soon (at least I hope so.. @_@).

At least, I wanted to share with you my first try at coloring and ask your thoughts on this and some advices too (forgive me for the big ugly-as-a-dog's-butt watermark, but as this is not properly posted yet, I don't want it to be stolen.. safety first guys !) :


(FYI, the pose was taken from an artwork from Gravity Daze)

I actually am not very pleased with how it turns out. I mean, the coloring itself isn't bad (I didn't mess up like a little child ! =D ), but the color scheme (brown/violet/pink) does not work at all, in my opinion. I'm thinking about another version with a WAY different color scheme, actually).

Well, if you're reading this journal, that would be nice of you to leave a comment about this. Thanks in advance ! :D

Until next time,  take care everyone ! :)
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DeviantArtist Questionnaire by HPZ0NE, journal

My deviantART Story by HPZ0NE, journal

Back in 2013 ! by HPZ0NE, journal

I Had a Dream.. by HPZ0NE, journal

Some news.. by HPZ0NE, journal